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PTP Skills Builder

Diposting oleh Admin | 8:58 PM | 1 komentar »

Formed in 1991, PTP provides training services throughout the UK. Major clients include Astrazeneca, BAE Systems, Barclays, BHP Bilton, BOC Group, Capita Group, HSBC, Legal & General, Next and Tesco. PTP is an approved training provider for 3M and Daimler Chrysler and all courses are approved for CPD by The Law Society.
They run courses in sales, marketing, customer care, management, personal development, finance & planning. We deliver these courses in-house as public courses or on a 1-2-1 basis. They mission is to build the communication skills.

Their target is finance for or non - finance manager, for them they can choose the u choose program. It choose from any of the 150 plus courses that PTP provides, and choose from 1 of our 50 plus UK wide training venues. You must book for 2 or more delegates and at least 6 weeks in advance, but that’s it, the course you want where you want it. The reason we ask for a minimum of 6 weeks notice is to enable us to market the course you have scheduled to other companies and organizations. However, if we fail to sell any additional places we guarantee to run the course just for you.

U-choose cost the same as our normal open courses i.e. £415 + VAT per delegate. This includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day, framed certification and comprehensive training notes. A U-Choose booking can only be confirmed once we receive payment which can be made via credit/debit card, BACS or cheque.
Payment is due at least 6 weeks before the date you request. Please note to be eligible for U-Choose you must book a minimum of 2 delegates on the same course & date.

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1 komentar

  1. builder cpd // October 18, 2010 at 8:59 AM  

    As an amature skill Builder CPD what can I do to sharpen my skills so that I can start a career? Do they offer a 6 month course on how to become certifieed? I want to learn the tricks of the trade.