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Macs VS Pcs

Diposting oleh Admin | 8:45 PM | 0 komentar »

Macintosh versus Pc, What's ups?

I for one (as a recent switcher) wanted to chime in, in layman’s speak, the factors that came into play this past year in my switch. I guess, just so the current Mac Newb Tube reader can get a ‘lil more info at this blogger at large.

First, the iPod. My wife, my infant son at the time, and I traversed the dreaded corridor that is I-5 between the states of Oregon and Washington, mainly for family trips and begging grandparents. Both of us are musicians, and have music playing 24/7.

The combination of traffic plus switching CD’s during the four hour haul equals the potential for local news disaster material. I’ve had college friends that have embraced the iPod beforehand, trying to get me to adopt as well. I decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to take the leap and get our combined libraries in one easy place for trips. Then, after two months of fighting over whose iPod it was, we added another 30GB (this time white, for her) to the family. It was the interface, the ease of use, iTunes and it’s sleek UI on our PC… all of these factors that made us instantly fall for the little wonder. Then, it turned my head in another direction.

Our Dell laptop had a mini melt down months before our son was born, and before replacing it, along came the little guy and I had really no time nor want to replace the other little guy (the laptop, I mean). So for the next year, we lived in general bliss from the internet, checking our email and myspace here and there, but really having no obligation to the net for work nor pleasure. It was really a fun time, with oodles of time for the baby and this first time dad. Then, along came the Mac vs PCS ads. Let me tell you, I’m no sucker for ad campaigns and cheap slogans, but being completely purged of Microsoft and tech for awhile, and seeing this new option of the Mac (this during our courtship with the iPods mind you) I began to really see the light. So then came the iMac that graces our desk. Then the Powerbook that graces my work. Oh, and next the AppleTV that… we’ll you get the picture.

I guess to sum up, there are many factors that ultimately get you into becoming a Mac user (and an Apple sales statistic). And honestly, Mac has gotten this tech nerd back on track! But, from my experience, there is ONE overlying factor above all… and if I could just figure that out and bottle it…

How about powerbook vs pc??

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