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Indonesian Nouveau Riche

Diposting oleh Admin | 9:12 AM | 0 komentar »

Martua Sitorus Indonesian Nouveau Riche

$2.1 billion 47. Married

Began trading shrimp, other marine products 1978, then switched to palm oil, buying first plantation 1994. Later cofounded agribusiness Wilmar International with nephew of Malaysia's richest man, Robert Kuok. Signed $4 billion merger agreement with Kuok's plantation group in December 2006, resulting in world's largest palm oil processor. Stock has more than doubled.

Now Martua Sitorus become Nouveau Riche at the 7 place.

The first place Nouveau Riche 2008 is

Aburizal Bakrie & family

$5.4 billion 60. Married, 3 children

Runs family-held Bakrie group, founded by late father in 1942. Has interests in infrastructure, property, telecom. Huge stock run-up in biggest holding, coal producer Bumi Resources, lifted fortune. Co-owns Lapindo Brantas, oil-and-gas outfit whose drilling allegedly helped trigger a massive mudslide in 2006, burying villages, displacing thousands. Onetime presidential candidate, he is country's Coordinating Minister for People's Welfare.

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