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Portable DVD Player For My Lover

Diposting oleh Admin | 9:20 PM | 0 komentar »

For my grandfa's funeral, I collected her recent photos and put them in a slideshow. It contains about 2000 photos so it takes about 60minutes to show them all.

It's true that my granfa passed away quite young, but I'm sure her life was a happy one. I created the slideshow to show that and her last years to people who had not seen her long.

Every time my grandma visits us at our house, she talks to her spouse's photos and tears are flowing down from her cheeks. Seeing that, I decided to make a DVD filled with my grandfas photos and give it to her.

However, my grandma did not have a DVD player, and it seemed unrealistic to teach her how to see it using a PC. So I decided to get a portable DVD player for her.

My budget was around 300 dollar bucks and the DVD was on sale at under 250 dollar bucks. It didn't take much time for me to click the "buy" button.

She ( My Lover Grandma ) now can see her spouse's photos anytime, but they are just making her cry …

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