Do you have any private photo, that may be you do not want to show to someone else? I had !!!
Because of that case, i need a trusted software to protects my image or my photo, secured the photo under lock and key.
Hide Photos ™ keeps the digital pictures you want to protect in a securely locked container. Exactly how secure is the protection? Hide Photos ™ employs the newest industry-standard AES encryption with 256-bit keys. There's hardly anything in the world to better protect your digital photos!
There are other aspects of digital photo security than just the length of the encryption key. If you use an encrypted ZIP or RAR archive, no matter how securely the pictures are inside the archive, they are still exposed every time you access a picture. Once you extract a digital image from the archive, it is stored temporarily on your hard disk, leaving the image file unencrypted and unprotected. It is totally possible that the picture remains in the temporary folder after you are done with it, making it an unpleasant surprise when somebody stumbles upon your private photo when browsing the temp files.
Hide Photos ™ never extracts anything onto the hard disk, and leaves absolutely no traces while you're busy with the image and after you finish.
And I think you everyone have secret photo, that's right..? Ehmmm....Don't be shy.
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