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FAX was designed for analog networks, and does not interoperate well at all with VOIP Fax networks. The reason for this is that FAX communication uses the signal in a different way to regular voice communication.

When VOIP technologies digitize and compress analog voice communication it is optimized for VOICE and not for FAX. Subsequently, if you connect a Fax Server machine via an ATA adapter to the VOIP network it will work, but you are likely to encounter problems during fax transmissions.

Now, Let's see FAXAGENTS AXACORE Fax Agents - Fax Appliance, Fax Hardware & Software, Fax Solutions, Fax Blast offers How To:
* Manage Faxes Anywhere
* Reduced Fax Cost
* Increased Security
* Fast To Deploy
* Realible Transmission
Price starting $ 4,800
FaxAgents make Voice and Fax seemless, Here's How it works:
- Select your current fax solution
- Select your phone system
- Submit your specs and sales representative will contact you within one business hour.

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