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Close Combat Training

Diposting oleh Admin | 9:57 AM | 0 komentar »

Protect Yourself !!!

Captain Chris Pizzo has dedicated his life to not only spreading the "truth" about martial arts and self defense, but also to teaching the very same simplistic, and easy to learn answer he discovered after nearly being stabbed to death during a road rage attack.

In fact, if you learn some martial arts skill, you will able to protect yourself also your lovely family member from some criminal situations happen to you, feels Jacky Chan...Hehe...
We want thanks to Captain Chris Pizzo for the help to teach us.
Please visit for full information, instructor bio, video clips, etc.

How poeple says :

Mark Coates, Smithtown, New York : "Nothing could be more important for my family... If something happens, I'm ready to act!"
Jenika Uygur, Sterling, Virginia : "I didn't have to go to some class for months on end... I had him under my control within seconds!"
Ed Cox, Forest Hill, Maryland : "Customer service with you is first class... Once I started the training, I couldn't get enough!"

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