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Diposting oleh Admin | 12:07 AM | 0 komentar » is an Internet-based service enabling individuals to buy, store, and sell professional quality physical gold bullion - in any size, starting at one gram. Previously the professional bullion markets had been very inaccessible to private investors. operates a public, gold-dealing order board accessed over the Internet and attracts customers by demonstrating the value, integrity and ease-of-use of the service. But it could be a big leap for most customers to get to grips with an order board. is a revolutionary way for individuals to buy and sell gold bullion online, direct to each other in a selection international vaults - in London, New York or Switzerland.

It is now the fastest growing way to buy gold on the Internet with nearly 5 tonnes of gold in its vaults.

Gold has doubled in value over the past 5 years to $800/oz, as the world economy strains under the excessive printing of dollars, and other currencies. The U.S. trade deficit alone is running at $700bn per year. Also, with the credit-crunch taking effect people are buying gold to protect their wealth from possible bank panics.

BullionVault gold is always held in high-security Via Mat vaults. The gold doesn't move making it exceptionally safe, secure, cheap and easy to trade online. All client holdings are reconciled every day and published online using anonymous aliases to prove the gold is owned by who it should be. Gold is bought and sold using our live public Exchange, trading at narrow spreads around real-time world spot gold market prices. You can buy and sell gold at your price, and get a bargain in the process.
See Today Gold Price, Our Research.

We also have the site translated into German, French and Italian at , and

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